

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Watch This Or Else - Black Mirror

Black Mirror is a drama/thriller from our friends across the pond, who've been putting out some quality television lately.  It's an anthology series with each episode telling a different stand-alone story existing in its own separate "universe".  The concept of the show deals with technology, paranoia, and the shifting morality of humanity.  Thus far there have only been two seasons of three episodes each, and while not all home runs, they're at least all good for sparking some thought and conversation.  The episodes range from mildly thought-provoking yet ultimately forgettable (Fifteen Million Merits), to very solid (The Waldo Moment), to excellent (The National Anthem) and absolutely incredible (White Bear).  In fact, White Bear is probably in my top episodes of any show of all-time.  It has a very shocking twist that blindsides you and completely changes the viewer's allegiances while making question your own stance on certain issues.  If you have six hours to kill (and a source to view the show, obviously) I recommend doing so.  At the very least seek out The National Anthem, Be Right Back and White Bear.

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